1. Spanish
Spanish is arguably the most influential language of our time, coming in second only to Mandarin. It's no wonder it remains one of the top languages to learn! From Spain and Latin American countries such as Mexico, Peru, Paraguay and Ecuador all the way up north - where 37.6 million people make Spanish their native tongue - making your content available this year in this important language can open a world of opportunities. What's more remarkable? By 2050 we are expected to see Hispanic populations double; further cementing Spanish into an invaluable asset for those looking towards global success.
Difficulty to Learn: Language experts rank Spanish as one of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers.
2. German
As Europe's powerhouse, Germany boasts the highest GDP on the continent and has become a hot destination for career opportunities. Aside from its economic advantage, English is not enough to understand all of what this country has to offer: German also happens to be one of three official languages in EU governance alongside French - an even greater reason why knowledge of it will soon pay off with Brexit looming ahead. What's more are those figures behind technology and research – afterall German is fourth most spoken language online while being third largest contributor globally when it comes advancing the realms of R&D; knowing these tongues can bring countless possibilities worldwide.
According to The Economist, knowing how to speak German will offer the highest reward in bonuses compared to learning how to speak Spanish or French. In addition, German companies account for 700,000 jobs in the United States, which presents great chances for those looking for opportunities in America.
Difficulty to Learn: German is a different language, with endings tacked on to words to give them specific meanings. This being said, it is also an easier language to learn.
3. Arabic
With an estimated 400 million native speakers, Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world and continues to be adopted as a lingua franca throughout dozens of countries. The Middle Eastern economy has seen dramatic growth over the past five years with its collective gross domestic product (GDP) increasing by 120 percent to over $600 billion. Additionally, Internet access across this region—where many users only speak Arabic—has been growing significantly; coupled with continued economic expansion, these trends suggest that there will likely soon be greater demand for online content translation services.
Difficulty to Learn: Arabic is known to be one of the most challenging languages to learn for English speakers.
4. Mandarin
With over one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers worldwide, it was on the list of the most important languages to learn. While most speakers are located in China, the country is emerging as a global power, making it increasingly crucial for businesses to have team members that know Chinese. As a result, the number of multinational companies looking for executives who speak Mandarin has risen by 35 percent from previous years.
Mandarin is also the second most popular language among Internet users. With online sales increasing each year, it is believed that it will soon supplant English as the most widely used Internet language.
Difficulty to Learn: Mandarin is not the easiest language for English speakers to learn, but the upside is worth the effort.
5. Portuguese
From the bustling streets of Rio de Janeiro to the remote villages of Mozambique, MandarinPortuguese is creating a global impact. With it being spoken in countries across Europe, South America, Asia and Africa - as well as being ranked sixth most widely-spoken language worldwide – learning this ancient yet modern tongue opens exciting opportunities for communication with people from around the world. What’s more; Brazil's growing economy offers native speakers access to career advancements offering previously unseen wealth.
According to estimates by UNESCO, Portuguese is the fastest-growing European language after English. Portuguese is well ahead of German, French, and Italian in popularity and is the official language of eight countries. Due to the growing relationship between India and Brazil, the demand for the Portuguese language is growing exponentially. There’s increased demand for technology, technical support, finance, exports, tourism, and education. Brazil offers global companies opportunities in tourism, pharmaceuticals, and energy, to name a few. As organizations continue to set up shops in Brazil, there will be new opportunities for Portuguese speakers. Portuguese is also gaining popularity in Asia due to the region’s diplomatic and economic relations with Portugal and Lusophone countries .
Difficulty to Learn: Portuguese is not hard for a native English speaker to learn. While different from English, the grammar and sentence structure are simple. The accent is more in common with American English than Spanish, and it isn’t difficult to pick up new sounds like nasal vowels.
6. Russian
Russia is a powerhouse in terms of business potential. It boasts an expansive land mass, coupled with an up-and-coming economy and the largest oil reserves on Earth - not to mention its booming billionaire population located mainly within Moscow's city limits. The country presents itself as one of today’s premier destinations for entrepreneurs looking to take their ventures global.
Russian is a widely spoken language across central and Eastern Europe, as well as Russia. In fact, it ranks eighth in terms of global use - only beaten by English for internet content sharing worldwide and taking the lead among all languages utilized within European webpages. Though many countries have an established fluency when it comes to speaking English, Russian would be immensely beneficial if your company wishes to meet international business goals; according to The English Proficiency Index ratings indicate that proficiency levels remain low nationwide. Consider translating materials into Russian – you’ll certainly reap rewards.
As one of the BRIC countries, Russia has been identified as one of the four major world powers whose influence is growing fast. It is already the world’s sixth-largest economy. Russian is also one of the official languages of the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which makes it significant to international relations, diplomacy, and trade. Finally, Russia is famous for its engineering talent and IT community. Russian is one of the popular languages of scientific and technical literature in the hard sciences like physics and engineering.
Difficulty to Learn: Russian is one of the most challenging languages. The grammar rules are complex and have numerous exceptions.
7. French
As the second-most widely spoken language in Europe and emerging markets, it is a key language to learn.
France’s colonial history played a big part in making French the second-most widely spoken language in Europe. Because of this history, more people speak this language outside France than in it. According to Forbes, 750 million French speakers will be worldwide by 2050. Online, it’s estimated to have around 102 million Internet surfers. The French-speaking world also includes Africa, which is multiplying and rich in natural resources. Of the top five fastest-growing African economies, French is the official language in three. In countries like Algeria, Morocco, Vietnam, and Cambodia, where English proficiency is low, French is instrumental as a lingua franca. Learning French can also be helpful for employment in the global tourism industry, fashion, the visual arts, and theater world, as French is the most spoken language in these sectors.
Difficulty to Learn: French is not hard to learn for English speakers. English and French share a standard alphabet and a large portion of vocabulary. English has more in common lexically with French than any other Romance language.
In short, no matter what language you choose to learn in the coming year, know that it will be time well spent on our top 7 languages to learn.
Understanding multiple languages helps companies expand into foreign markets effectively to fulfill your business’s potential for growth. Still, by doing this, you must also ensure the content is appropriately localized. At BIG, we can align your language strategy with your overall business objectives, achieve compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and ensure your brand resonates with your target audiences.